CT Poems

(C) 1991 Chris Trothen

Round me

                                          shining  and  singing
                                   feeling,     eating,    a touch
                              absorbing,       emitting,      submitting
                         silhouette                                glimmers
                     then a touch                                     oohh such
                  a touch                                                   a touch
               beamed                                                          screamed
            head to                                                                to heart
          to start                                                                    matched
         from here                                                                     anywhere
        your limbs                                                                      laying bare
        entwined                                                                       and blind
          not, in mind                                                                but seeing
            always there                                                           ever fine
                  delight                                                       at sight
                      bright                                                 at night
                         morning                                        light
                              no key                                  we fit
                                  so much            all         of you
                                          in touch  around   delicate  


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